REIT - Specialty Industry

Members of Parliament invested in the REIT - Specialty Industry

3 investments
2 companies
Filed Name Company Pur. £ Cur. £ P/L % MPV*
Aug '18 Lord Carter of Coles Lord Carter of Coles Corporate logo for American Tower American Tower / NYQ:AMT £148.24 £216.72 46.20% £102,336.75**
Apr '21 Lord Grabiner Lord Grabiner Corporate logo for American Tower American Tower / NYQ:AMT £240.39 £179.40 -25.37% £52,240.11
Jun '22 Lord Stevens of Ludgate Lord Stevens of Ludgate Corporate logo for Crown Castle Crown Castle / NYQ:CCI £179.63 £90.73 -49.49% £35,356.57
* Minimum Potential Value based on £70,000.00 invested at time of declaration.

** Interest ceased/exited on filed date.