Other Precious Metals & Mining Industry

Members of Parliament invested in the Other Precious Metals & Mining Industry

3 investments
3 companies
Filed Name Company Pur. £ Cur. £ P/L % MPV*
Feb '21 Lord Reay Lord Reay Perpetua Resources / NCM:PPTA £8.10 £11.78 45.43% £101,802.47
May '22 Lord Reay Lord Reay Forte Minerals / CNQ:CUAU.CN £0.22 £0.26 18.18% £82,727.27**
Jan '24 Lord Sarfraz Lord Sarfraz Electrum / FRA:ELY.V £0.11 £0.10 -9.09% £63,636.36
* Minimum Potential Value based on £70,000.00 invested at time of declaration.

** Interest ceased/exited on filed date.